Thursday 25th April 2024

Yazoo Starter zeszyt Ćwiczeń z Poradnikiem Dla Rodziców Plus CD-ROM


Literature in the Language Classroom: A Resource Book of Ideas and Activities

This is a practical guide for practising teachers of English and teachers in training. It offers teachers a rationale and a variety of imaginative techniques for integrating literature work with language teaching. It is divided into three sections: Part I discusses the questions: Why teach literature? What should we teach? How should we teach it?; Part II outlines and illustrates a wealth of student-centred class and homework activities appropriate to each stage of the study of a literary work. Detailed descriptions of the activities are accompanied by numerous sample worksheets; Part III demonstrates techniques for working with complete texts, and shows how the activities outlined in Part II can be applied to particular novels, plays, short stories and poems. All activities described have been used successfully with a wide range of classes from intermediate level up.

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Język angielski